The strategic oversight of JSC “Augstsprieguma tīkls” will now be entrusted to three supervisory board members
To further enhance the efficiency of Latvia’s transmission system operator JSC “Augstsprieguma tīkls” (AST), its shareholder – the Ministry of Climate and Energy – has decided to further reduce the number of supervisory board members. While AST’s statutes permit a five-member supervisory board, the current four-member structure has proven effective in overseeing the management board’s activities. Starting in 2025, the supervisory board will be reduced to three members.
In addition to reducing the number of supervisory board members, and in line with good governance principles, the shareholder has decided to hold an open competition for the vacant supervisory board positions. During the competition process, Līga Rozentāle will temporarily serve on the supervisory board. To ensure the continuity of energy sector expertise and experience, as well as the effective strategic oversight of AST, Olga Bogdanova has been re-elected for a new term of office in accordance with applicable law*.
Once the amendments to the law “On the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest in Activities of Public Officials” come into force, the requirement to comply with these amendments until August 31, 2025 will be introduced, ensuring effective corporate governance of the company.
The current terms of office for AST supervisory board members Kaspars Āboliņš, Armands Eberhards, and Aigars Ģērmanis will expire on December 30, 2024.
* The law “On the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest in Activities of Public Officials” (Par interešu konflikta novēršanu valsts amatpersonu darbībā").