Protective zones along all types and belongings of power networks, their devices and structures are identified to provide the exploitation and safety of power networks, their devices and structures. The width of protective zones along the power networks depend on the area where the powerline is located, as well as the powerline type – overground or underground, and the nominal voltage of the powerline – it is provided on the informative plate on the supports of the powerline.
But the route of powerlines is actually a zone provided for the provision of powerline operation, which is included in the protection zone and must be maintained free of trees and bushes.
Informative signs for marking the protection zones of overhead electric lines are placed on supports 2.5 to 3 meters above the ground.
The width of protective zones, nominal voltage of the powerline and other information is provided on
the informative plate on the supports of the powerline
Following minimal width of protective zones along electrical networks is established:
- For overhead lines with nominal operating voltage 110 kV – 30 meters from outermost conductor wire;
- For overhead lines with nominal operating voltage 330 kV – 30 meters from outermost conductor wire;
- Along electric cable lines - land and airspace enclosed by two imaginary vertical planes on both sides 1 meter outward from the center axis of the cable line. If cable line is located closer than 1 meter to the building, structure or construction, in this area protected zone is set until the fundaments of the building or construction only.
- For overhead lines with nominal operating voltage 110 kV — 7 meters from outermost conductor wire;
- For overhead lines with nominal operating voltage 330 kV — 12 meters from outermost conductor wire;
- Along electric cable lines - land and airspace enclosed by two imaginary vertical planes on both sides 1 meter outward from the center axis of the cable line. If cable line is located closer than 1 meter to the building, structure or construction, in this area protected zone is set until the fundaments of the building or construction only.
- Along overhead lines with nominal operating voltage 110 kV – 35 meters from the axis of the power line, where right of way of the line is established 13 meters to both sides from the power line axis;
- Along overhead lines with nominal operating voltage 330 kV – 40 meters from the axis of the power line, where right of way of the line is established 27 meters to both sides from the power line axis;
- Along electrical cable lines – right of way is established 1.5 meters to both sides from the axis of the cable line.
- Water space between surface and the bottom of watery body bordered by two imaginary planes 100 meters to both sides from the axis of the cable line.
- Land and airspace bordered by imaginary plane 1 meter outside the fencing of the equipment or outermost land projection of the most protruding part of abovementioned equipment.
- For overhead lines with nominal operating voltage 110 kV – 26 meters;
- For overhead lines with nominal operating voltage 330 kV – 54 meters;
- For cable lines – 3 meters.
Owner or manager of the electric networks is entitled to cut down trees and bushes growing along route of powerlines if they are endangering the power line and can be felled on the wires and towers of the power line. Fallen trees, bushes and branches are the possession of the land owner or land user.