2007 |
2009 |
Application for the Baltic States' energy system to join the Central European network |
2013 |
2015 |
Technical and economic analysis of synchronisation scenarios Research into an isolated operational test of the Baltic States' energy systems |
2017 |
2018 |
Frequency stability study Political decision by the high level group of the Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan (BEMIP) member states regarding the further progress of the synchronisation process |
European Union (EU) awards EUR 323 million to finance the synchronisation project between the power grids of the Baltic States and Europe, including EUR 57.75 million allocated to AS Augstsprieguma tīkls to implement infrastructure works during the first phase of the synchronisation project Agreement comes into force regarding the connection of the Baltic States to the synchronous operational zone of the power grids of continental Europe, as well as the annex to the agreement regarding the set of technical measures to be implemented for commencement of synchronous operations |
2019 |
2020 |
Maximum possible support from European funds awarded for the 2nd phase of the synchronisation project - EUR 720 million Construction of a new Latvia – Estonia 3rd interconnection Construction of a new 330 kV power line at TEC-2 - Rīga HES |
Research into technical and economic solutions to ensure the operational stability of the energy system in conditions of a high proportion of renewable energy resources |
2021 |
2022 |
In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, electricity imports from Russia and Belarus are fully suspended:- From 3 March, Baltic transmission system operators reduce electricity import capacity to the Baltics - From 22 May, electricity imports from Russia and Belarus suspended The Baltic States' electricity system Regional Coordination Centre commences operations Studies:Five studies regarding technical aspects of the Baltic power grid for synchronous operations with the European grid Funding:Cabinet of Ministers approves the Recovery and Resilience Facility support programme, as part of which AST was able to receive funding in the amount of EUR 38.1 million, including for implementation of the synchronisation project |
Accelerated synchronisation assessment and political decisionsBaltic States' and Poland's electricity PSOs, in cooperation with the Gdansk Energy Institute, conduct an additional study regarding technical readiness for accelerated synchronisation In Tallinn, at a meeting of Baltic States' prime ministers, they assert their determination to commence synchronous operations with Europe a year earlier - in February 2025 In Riga, Baltic climate and energy ministers agree on joint efforts to implement accelerated synchronisation Baltic prime ministers sign joint declaration regarding accelerated synchronisation InfrastructureReconstruction of 330 kV power line from Tartu-Valmiera completed IT |
2023 |
2024 |
Reconstruction of 330 kV power line from Valmiera-Tsirguliina completed Connection of the Grobiņa synchronous condenser to the transmission grid Load Frequency Controller (LFC) configured |
Baltic States' energy system disconnection from BRELL and accelerated synchronisation with continental Europe BESS installation and connection to the transmission grid in Rēzekne and Tume Connection of 2 synchronous condenser stations to the transmission grid in Ventspils and Līksna |
2025 |
2026 |
Reconstruction of the main dispatcher control and data centre in Latvia completed |