Invitation to make proposals for changes to the Latvian Domain Protocol for electricity Guarantees of Origin
Since 2020, AS "Augstsprieguma tīkls" (AST) has joined unified European Energy Certificate System (EECS) and issues EECS compliant Guarantees of Origin (GOs). This enables electricity producers and market participants to participate in the EECS and to earn additional profit from trading GOs both in Latvia and in Europe, while it allows consumers to purchase electricity with a certified origin.
The working principles of this system are described in the Latvian Domain Protocol, and in order to improve the quality of the service and to meet the needs of customers, AST invites GO Registry Account Holders and other interested parties to make proposals for improvements to the Latvian Domain Protocol by 31 May by submitting proposals below or by making amendments to the attached Domain Protocol and sending it to e-mail [email protected].