Events archive


eng_cef_cofinancing.pngOn 22 June 2018 4 Transmission System Operators (TSOs) from Poland and Baltic States (PSE, Litgrid, AST and Elering…


The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker together with the Heads of State or Government of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland today agreed on the Political Roadmap for synchronising the Baltic States' electricity grid with the continental European network by the target date of 2025.The Leaders called fo…


Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) are pleased to announce that XBID was successfully launched on Tuesday 12th June. First deliveries were achieved on Wednesday 13th June. This marks a major milestone in the project and follows several years of complex and intensive develop…


The XBID Project Parties are pleased to confirm that  the European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects will go-live on Tuesday 12th June with first deliveries on Wednesday 13th June 2018. Following assessment of the readiness of each party involved, the XBID Intraday Steering Committee h…


Turnover of the independent power transmission system operator of Latvia JSC “Augstsprieguma tīkls” (AST) in 2017 increased to 159 million euros, but the profit reached 309 thousand euros, according to the annual report of 2017 approved by the meeting of shareholders.

The growth of turnover in comparison to 2016 is 36…