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To further enhance the efficiency of Latvia’s transmission system operator JSC “Augstsprieguma tīkls” (AST), its shareholder – the Ministry of Climate and Energy – has decided to further reduce the number of supervisory board members. While AST’s statutes permit a five-member supervisory board, the current four-member…


On December 27, 2024, at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Latvian transmission system operator JSC "Augstsprieguma tīkls" (AST), it was decided to increase the company's share capital by EUR 1 105 196 in accordance with the share capital regulations approved by the shareholder. The invested funds will be…


Latvia’s electricity transmission system operator, JSC Augstsprieguma tīkls (AST), will receive financing of EUR 80 million from Luminor Bank over the next year to implement infrastructure projects aimed at enhancing the security of the national energy system.

The funding will be allocated to a series of critical…


The Supervisory Board of JSC "Augstsprieguma tīkls" (AST) has decided to extend the term of office for AST Management Board member Imants Zviedris, recognizing his contributions to the company’s operations, as well as his strategic vision and expertise regarding AST’s future challenges and development. He will continue to…


Latvia’s transmission system operator, JSC Augstsprieguma tīkls (AST), invested 99,99 million EUR in electricity transmission development and security during the first nine months of 2024. The majority—58,68 million EUR—was allocated to the synchronisation project with the European electricity transmission network, while the…


The electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) of the Continental Europe Synchronous Area adopted decisions on Baltic states power systems two-day isolated operation test from February 8 to 9, 2025 followed by synchronisation with Continental Europe. The transmission system operators of Latvia (JSC "Augstsprieguma…


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